Today, the Federal Constitutional Court pronounced its judgment regarding several applications for the issue of temporary injunctions. The main objective of the applications is to prohibit the Federal President from signing the statutes passed by the
Bundestag and the
Bundesrat on 29 June 2012 until the decision in the principal proceedings; by signing the statutes, the Federal President would create the precondition for the ratification of the international agreements the Treaty establishing the European Stability Mechanism (ESM Treaty) and the Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union (known as the Fiscal Compact) which are approved therein.
Jetzt die ganze Nachricht auf lesen: Applications for the issue of temporary injunctions to prevent the ratification of the ESM Treaty and the Fiscal Compact unsuccessful for the most part
Quelle: Pressemitteilung des Bundesgerichtshofs vom 12.09.2012
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