Mittwoch, 24. August 2011

Neue BGH-Pressemitteilung

Under the Federal Training Assistance Act (Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz – BAföG), means-tested financing for university studies is provided for a maximum period of assistance; half of the financing is provided as an interest-free loan. According to § 18b BAföG, a partial release from repayment is possible after successful graduation. Apart from a performance-related partial release, a partial release that depends on the duration of studies may be granted. According to the version of § 18b.3 BAföG of 22 May 1990, which is relevant in the instant case, students are released from the repayment of DM 5,000 of the loan if they successfully complete their studies four months before the expiration of the maximum period of assistance (big partial release); if the studies are completed only two months early, the amount of the release is DM 2,000 (small partial release).

Jetzt die ganze Nachricht auf lesen: Provision on the partial release, depending on the duration of studies, from repayment of a loan under the Federal Training Assistance Act is partly unconstitutional

Quelle: Pressemitteilung des Bundesgerichtshofs vom 21.06.2011

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