Donnerstag, 2. Dezember 2010

Provisions on keeping laying hens unconstitutional

In response to the application for judicial review of the Land government of Rhineland-Palatinate, the Second Senate of the Federal Constitutional Court, by Order of 12 October 2010, held that the provision on the keeping of laying hens in small colonies ((§ 13b Tierschutz-Nutztierhaltungsverordnung (Animal Welfare Livestock Husbandry Ordinance) - TierSchNutztV) is incompatible with the Basic Law. The Senate also held that the relevant transitional provisions (§ 33.3 and § 33.4 TierSchNutztV in the version submitted for review, now § 38.3 and § 38.4 TierSchNutztV) were incompatible with the Basic Law. There must be a reform of these provisions by 31 March 2012.

Jetzt die ganze Nachricht auf lesen: Provisions on keeping laying hens unconstitutional

Quelle: Pressemitteilung des Bundesgerichtshofs vom 02.12.2010

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