Mittwoch, 16. Februar 2011

Decision regarding the requirement of safeguarding employees� rights if the employer changes by virtue of law in the context of a privatisation

In view of the university hospitals’ economic problems, the Land (state) Hesse decided in 2005 to unite the university hospitals of Gießen and Marburg and to privatise them afterwards. The Act Establishing the Gießen and Marburg University Hospital (Gesetz über die Errichtung des Universitätsklinikums Gießen und Marburg – UKG), which was adopted for this purpose and which entered into force on 1 July 2005, provides that all rights, duties and competences of the two university hospitals which so far have been autonomous shall be transferred by universal succession to the Universitätsklinikum Gießen und Marburg as a newly established public law institution. According to § 3.1 sentences 1 and 3 UKG, the employment relationships of the non-university staff who had worked in the patient care and in the administration of the two hospitals, and who until then had been in the service of the Land Hesse, were transferred to the Universitätsklinikum Gießen und Marburg. A provision corresponding to § 613a.6 of the Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch – BGB), which in the event of a transfer of business by legal transaction grants the employees affected a right to object to the transfer of their employment relationships to the new owner of the business, was not incorporated into the Act.

Jetzt die ganze Nachricht auf lesen: Decision regarding the requirement of safeguarding employees’ rights if the employer changes by virtue of law in the context of a privatisation

Quelle: Pressemitteilung des Bundesgerichtshofs vom 16.02.2011

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